Philadelphia FaSoLa
Exeter All-Day Singing 2012 Recordings
47t Primrose (Mel Novner)
492 Invocation (Kimberly Hass)
76b Desire For Piety (Laura Densmore)
335 Return Again (Lamar Matthew)
148 Jefferson (Lynne Hoyt)
77b Holcombe (Molly Sayvetz)
69t Minister’s Farewell (Tom Stokes)
313b Cobb (Nancy Tkacs)
105 Jewett (Steve Hoyt)
77t The Child of Grace (Julia Seidenstein)
61 Sweet Rivers (Barb Hohenstein)
67 Columbus (Ina Shea)
151 Symphony (Guy Bankes)
133 Hebrew Children (Ted Stokes)
70b Save, Mighty Lord (Leon Pulsinelle)
392 Manchester (Sarah Whites-Koditschek)
87 Sweet Canaan (Carl Baron)
270 Confidence (Claire Simon)
183 Greenwich (Dan Hunter)
146 Hallelujah (Ted Steinruck)
455 Soar Away (Susan Bingham)
300 Calvary (Rowan Lupton)
272 Exhortation (Ruth Wampler)
386 Christ Our Song (Oliver Kindig-Stokes)
391 Sounding Joy (Hal Kunkel)
452 Martin (Sue Hanson)
192 Schenectady (Doron Henkin)
532 Peace and Joy (Kelly Kennedy)
107 Russia (Duran Perkins)
273 Milford (Rachel Hall)
75 I Would See Jesus (Kevin Sims)
74b King of Peace (Erin Kelly)
106 Ecstasy (Sonia Chin)
332 Sons of Sorrow (Jim Strube)
312b Restoration (Abby Minor)
378b Never Turn Back (Violet Krumbein)
486 Beneficence (Ina Shea)
204 Mission (Sonia Chin)
426b Jasper (Sam Kleinman)
146 Hallelujah (Laura Densmore)
405 The Marcellas (Bethany Towne)
280 Westford (Carol Huang)
538 Hampton (Terry Ryan)
84 Amsterdam (Samuel Steinruck)
213t The Good Old Way (Liz Meitzler)
339 When I Am Gone (Mairi Quodomine)
71 Leander (Gwen Gethner)
319 Religion Is a Fortune (Phillipa Stoddard)
89 The Church’s Desolation (Elizabeth Stokes)
500 Living Hope (Liz Cantrell)
564 Zion (Diane Mennella)
517 Mars Hill (Jon Giles)
181 Exit (Natalie Jablonski)
344 Rainbow (Eimear O’Donovan)
456 Sacred Mount (Phillipa Stoddard)
507 Sermon on the Mount (Aldo Ceresa)
545 The Pilgrim’s Way (Gabriel Kastelle)
182 Newburgh (Lynne deBenedette)
174 Petersburg (Kelly Macklin)
351 Pittsford (Paula Picton)
315 Immensity (Erin Gum)
411 Morning Prayer (Nancy Mandel)
333 Family Circle (John delRe)
430 Arbacoochee (Gwen Gethner and Carol Huang)
186 Sherburne (Tom Stokes and Ted Stokes)
377 Eternal Praise (Rowan Lupton)
129 Heavenly Armor (Abby Minor and Kevin Sims)
522 Ye Heedless Ones (Becky Wright)
504 Wood Street (Guy Bankes and Barb Hohenstein)
215 New Topia (Liz Meitzler)
49t Old Hundred (Kelly Kennedy and Dan Hunter)
112 The Last Words of Copernicus (Jon Giles and Sam Kleinman)
313t Concord (Liz Cantrell)
135 Olney (Bethany Towne and Oliver Kindig-Stokes)
30b Prospect (Lynne deBenedette)
134 The Christian’s Hope (Phillipa Stoddard and Natalie Jablonski)
347 Christian’s Farewell (Diane Mennella)
294 Rocky Road (Erin Gum and Kelly Macklin)
436 Morning Sun (Ruth Wampler)
441 Raymond (Liz Cantrell)
354t Lebanon (Lorah Hopkins)
383 Eternal Day (Mel Novner and John delRe)
278t Love Shall Never Die (Nancy Mandel)
505 Where Ceaseless Ages Roll (Erin Kelly and Mairi Quodomine)
142 Stratfield (Hal Kunkel)
240 Christian Song (Violet Krumbein)
399b Happy Christian (Paula Picton, Aldo Ceresa, and Erin Johnson-Hill)
274t The Golden Harp (Gabriel Kastelle)
428 World Unknown (Elizabeth Stokes)
282 I’m Going Home (Julia Seidenstein)
236 Easter Anthem (Jim Strube)
283 Sabbath Morning (Sonia Chin and Gwen Gethner)
171 Exhortation (Leon Pulsinelle)
179 The Christian Warfare (Rachel Hall and Ina Shea)
540 Nidrah (Terry Ryan)
42 Clamanda (Sarah Whites-Koditschek)
62 Parting Hand (Mel Novner and officers)
June 11, 2017
Rachel Hall